Thursday, 26 May 2011

Mud Rasul

A couple of weekends ago my wife and me spent the night in a posh hotel at the south end of Lake Windermere. We got it half price as part of a coupon deal on the internet.

Part of the deal was use of the gym and health spa next door and they threw in a free 30 minute Indian head massage. We spent the afternoon in the gym which was moderately well kitted out but as it was directly over the pool it was a hot as a boiler room.

The river running from the south end of Lake Windermere went right past the window so it was a decent view while running the treadmill.

I had a splash about in the pool while my wife read her book then we went for our head massage. However the girl who did the massaging had called in sick, her hands were probably cramped up with all the customers using their coupons.

We were offered a Mud Rasul instead.

I had never heard of one of these but it entailed putting on a pair of paper underpants and entering our own 'personal temple' which was basically a shower cubicle with two plastic chairs set into the wall with shower heads attached and a thing that looked like an ornamental bird bath in the middle.

We were given a bowl of different coloured muds, each one for different parts of the body and after smearing oursleves head to foot we looked like members of a long lost tribe. This was great, one of the things I loved about playing Rugby at school was diving into the mud and getting as filthy as a Warthog .

Scented steam then came out of the bird bath and we sat sweating in there for 30 minutes. For some reason I was finding this a turn on but I won't go into that right now, this is a blog for all the family.

After the steam came a 'gentle monsoon' which meant they switched the showers on.

After cleaning off the mud we were wrapped in fluffy robes and sat in comfy chairs with a cup of herbal tea and a copy of Mens Health and a nice view of the mountains around Lake Windermere.

To be honest this was a great experience and I could quite happily visit a spa hotel again. Sounds like I am embracing my feminine side as I get older.


bobo said...

Sounds like an awesome time to me. I need a day like that too!

Hope you'll get to go back soon :)

Violet said...

hope you got your nails done too!
fancy stuff, mud.

Al Penwasser said...

Indian head massage? Oh, my. I'm gonna let that one go.
Your next to last paragraph sums it all up rather nicely. Ahhhhhhhhh........

not displayed said...

The mud thing sounds like a lot of fun for a couple. A perfect getaway

Tony Van Helsing said...

Bobo: Everyone needs a day like that.

Violet: I had no idea mud came in so many colours, I thought it was all just mud-coloured.

Al: Lowering the tone as usual.

Johnsam: Glad you like it although you do sound as though you are coming on to me.

Mynx: Mud is great fun for a couple if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a very cool, but different spa treatment. Sounds like it's a good thing the masseuse left!

dirtycowgirl said...

I went to the mudbaths in Turkey....great experience but it sounds like yours smelt a whole lot better.

Margaret said...

I don't know. That head massage seems pretty unbeatable, but I'm glad you liked the mud.